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Project development for a change and connection of the PCO and the extension of the camera system

Author: Michal Neubauer

Bakalářské práce 2011

The bachelor thesis „Project development for a change and connection of the PCO and the extension of the camera system“ offers a view of the current status of the security system, the data transfer to the PCO and proposes solutions of the actual components’ exchange. The first chapter deals with the specifications, which the PCO has to execute, and with the ARC report structure, called protocol CID, which defines the parameters and attributes of the trasmitted messages between security exchange and the ARC. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the selection of the ARC according to the criteria of the certain area in Prague, to the selection of new cameras and to the development of the innovation scenarios. In the last chapter for each scenario I suggest a project with a general schedule of the exchanges of the idividual partsof the security system and the financial costs of the entire innovation.