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Sun Sensor for Attitude Evaluation

Author: Vojtěch Myslivec

Bakalářské práce 2013

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The purpose of this work is to design algorithms that can determine the geographical position and orientation based on measuring the trajectory of the Sun in the sky, from which was trajectory scanned. Subsequently this trajectory record using constructed test sensor and verify the functionality of algorithms. Testing with measured data is needed for checking up functionality with real data and veri cation the proposed procedures for data processing. The work is preparation for the implementation of solar sensor for space applications, it involves an analysis of the current design of such sensors, analysis of environmental conditions on Earth orbit and problems, which is needed to deal during the construction of similar sensor. Based on this analysis is then designed and built the appropriate rst test version of sun sensor, used mainly to verify the functionality, not to achieve high accuracy. Outcome of this work is the analysis of conditions on Earth orbit, design of reliable algorithm to calculate the position and orientation that achieves high accuracy, and nally the design and construction of a test sun sensor that tests the principles of scanning the Sun and verify the functionality of the proposed algorithms beyond mere simulations.

Bp 2013 myslivec vojtech.pdf