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EEG analysis of infant patients with cardiac rhabdomyoms

Author: Štěpánek Petr

Diplomové práce 2015

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Study focuses on epileptic patients diagnosed with cardiac rhabdomyoma during prenatal phase. EEG of patients with epilepsy is characterized by patoligic artifacts known as interictal epileptoform discharges (IEDs). It is possible to utilize detections of IEDs in intracranial EEG in localization and planning of surgical resection. Aim of this master thesis is to show whether it is feasible to use noninvasive EEG instead. Available data consists of EEG recordings of patients suffering form epilepsy and their magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. Localizations of tuberous sclerosis are translated into MRI profile defined by proposed model. EEG recordings of patients are then analyzed by proposed algorithm as well as by given clustering algorithm. Results of EEG analysis are compared with MRI reference. Quality of proposed algorithm is described by senzitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and accuracy.

Dp 2015 stepanek petr.pdf
P 2015 stepanek petr.pdf