Dp 555 en
Message authentication for CAN bus and AUTOSAR software architecture
Author: Kulatý Ondřej
The aim of this master's thesis is to integrate an implementation of the MaCAN protocol developed by Department of Control Engineering FEE CTU with the implementation of AUTOSAR architecture developed by ArcCore company. The thesis deals with security on the CAN bus and with the MaCAN protocol, which serves for message authentication on this bus. The implementation of the MaCAN protocol mentioned above and another implementation of the MaCAN protocol from Volkswagen are compared, their incompatibilities are described and resource usage analysis is carried out. Finally, the integration of our MaCAN implementation with AUTOSAR architecture is described and demonstrated with a demo application running on an STM32-based embedded system.
- Ondřej Kulatý, mailto:kulatond@fel.cvut.cz