Extreme Networks XOS Commands

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List of the handy commands for the XOS in the Extreme Networks SummitX switches family. Documentation sources for Extreme Networks XOS based switches.

Upozornění Keep in mind that all changes have to be saved to system configuration file by 'save' command, otherwise will be lost.

Basic commands

Some generic linux commands can be used:

$ ls
$ top
$ vi

List version of the current XOS image

$ show version image

Displays detailed informations about ports including VLAN membership

$ show ports 48 info detail

Show all VLANs configured at port 2

$ show vlan ports 2

Manage VLANs

Create new VLAN

$ create vlan vlan_4_staff description text tag 4

Add port(s) to VLAN

$ configure vlan_4_staff add ports 25-25 tagged (or untagged)

Show MAC database

$ show fdb <VLANName> | include "String"

List of all vlans and associated ports

$ show configuration vlan

Kills system chosen system process

$ terminate process _processname_

Display the SNMP settings configured on the switch

$ show management

Blocking access by MAC address

Block MAC address

$ create fdbentry aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff vlan "VLAN_NAME" blackhole

Unblock MAC address

$ delete fdbentry aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff vlan "VLAN_NAME" blackhole

IP interfaces statistics

Show information and statistics about interfaces (vlan, ipv4, ipv6, vr)

$ show ipstats

User account management

Create new account with admin privileges

$ create account admin <username>

and enter your password twice. To login by SSH key create new key and assign it to the existing user account:

$ create sshd2 user-key <keyname> <raw key base64 without comments>
$ configure sshd2 user-key <keyname> add user <username>

Access Lists Configuration

To edit access policy felk-kn run internal vi editor:

$ edit policy felk-kn

Sample policy code

entry one {
  if {
  then {

entry two {
  if {
  then {

entry three {
  if {
    source-address 2001:718:2:1600::/56;
  then {
entry Telnet_Allow {
  if match any {
    source-address /24;
    source-address /24;
  } then {

Check written code against semantic errors:

$ check policy felk-kn

Assign it to the service, vlan, port:

$ conf ssh2 access-profile felk-kn

Reload policy

$ refresh policy felk-kn

Upgrade XOS image with ssh module

$ use image secondary
$ download image <IPaddress> <ImageName>.xos vr "VR-Default" primary
$ download image <IPaddress> <ModuleName>-ssh.xmod vr "VR-Default" primary

Confirm installation with "Yes", wait

$ use image <TargetPartition>
$ reboot

LACP configuration

# configure sharing <MasterPort> add ports <SlavePorts>
# configure sharing <MasterPort> lacp activity-mode active

Time, SNTP and timezone configuration

To configure proper timezone for CET and CEST

# configure timezone name CET 60 autodst name CEST  begins every last sunday march at 2 0 ends every last sunday october at 3 0

SNTP client with primary and secondary server

# enable sntp-client
# configure sntp-client primary <IPAddress> vr <VRName>
# configure sntp-client secondary <IPAddress> vr <VRName>

IPv6 Address and routing

Basic setup

$ configure "v91_139dcgi1" ipaddress 2001:718:2:1691::1/64
$ enable ipforwarding ipv6 "v91_139dcgi1"

Router Advertisement

$ configure "v91_139dcgi1" router-discovery add prefix 2001:718:2:1691::/64
$ configure "v91_139dcgi1" router-discovery add dnssl felk.cvut.cz
$ configure "v91_139dcgi1" router-discovery add rdnss 2001:718:2:1611:0:1:0:90
$ enable router-discovery "v91_139dcgi1"

Universal port and events

Upozornění SummitX440-L2 switches are little crappy because Universal Port profiles, etc. are not supported at L2.

Here we configure the UPM to have a liberal execution time.

$ configure upm profile loginbackup maximum execution-time 1000
$ create log target upm loginbackup
$ create log filter autologfilter

This will trigger on any AAA.logout event

$ configure log filter autologfilter add event AAA.AuthPass
$ configure log target upm loginbackup filter autologfilter
$ enable log target upm loginbackup
$ enable upm profile loginbackup