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FDT/DTM in process automation

Author: Tomášek Jiří

Diplomové práce 2007

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Diploma thesis is concerned with project of drivers for field devices connected to process fieldbus PROFIBUS PA, dealing with conception of Field Device Tool/Device Type Manager (FDT/DTM). Project is based on dtmManager by MM Software GmbH, which is used for creation of DTM modules. Communication card CP5611 by Siemens was used for connecting FDT application, placed on PC station, to process fieldbus.

In the theoretical part of my diploma thesis, there takes place an introduction to principles of description of field devices, based on programme components, a brief description of process fieldbus PROFIBUS PA and characterization of dtmManager.

Practical part describes the project of the communication module and the device driver for the temperature sensor TF-211 by ABB Automation GmbH.

Dp 2007 tomasek jiri2.pdf
Dp 2007 tomasek jiri.pdf