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Gust Load Alleviation System for BWB (Blended Wing Body)Flexible Aircraft

Author: Mushfiqul Alam

Diplomové práce 2013

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A new BWB concept aircraft was developed to meet the ACARE 2020 vision. A patented feedforward controller was designed earlier at EADS Innovation Works to alleviate the gust loading, but it was not robust over shorter gust lengths and mass cases. This thesis focused on the controller design for Gust Load Alleviation System (GLAS)for BWB Flexible Aircraft which worked together with feedforward controller. The thesis aimed towards improving the performance of the feedforward controller making it robust over shorther gust lengths. Emphasis was given on the reduction of wing root moments keeping the overall stability of the aircraft to an accept-able level. For the control design, the non linear actuators model of the BWB aircraft was linearised with 2nd order approximation. New GLAS controller was designed to work together with feedforward controller using different design techniques namely, nominal SISO and modern Linear Quadratic Regulator and H1 controller. The result shows that the nominal SISO controller gives the best performance compared to LQ and H1 controller in terms of reduction of wing root moments,which provides structural benefits.

Dp 2013 mushfiqul alam.pdf