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Control of RMPS (Revolution Modular Power System) system throught PLC

Author: Ondřej Letáček

Diplomové práce 2004

This thesis describes a proposal and realization of a control and visualization system. It is concerned with a control system for RMPS (Revolution Modular Power System) project of Pronix company. Logic signals which monitor the system state, are brought into the control PLC automat. The automat receives further information through a communication interface from particular modules built in RMPS. Alarm state is saved into a register of events for further analyses. PLC automat makes entire data accessible through visualization on a touch panel. Data are also available by the means of web server on the panel. We can view the presentation either in HTML shape, where data are extracted from the automat, or through a panel-like background as an applet. System can be also monitored remotely through GSM or SNMP adapters.