Dielectrophoresis, electrokinetics, microfluidics

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Verze z 19. 6. 2014, 10:03, kterou vytvořil Drsjakub (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Ideas worth exploring (after perhapse developing and documenting a bit better)

  • Franta Foret presents a vision of a planar manipulation platform based on dielectrohoresis which would move an "ensamble" of human cells some of them healthy and just a few "ill" (cancer of whatsoever). The motion response would be recorded by a camera and processed to identify the few cells which exhibit different behaviour than the majority.
  • Franta Stepanek suggests to use dielectrophoresis to shape the potential/force field such that the particles located in it climb the corresponding concentration gradient (artificial chemotaxis)

Personal affairs:

  • offering grad and undergrad students a possibility of a summer internship with Franta in Brno (perhaps Jakub Drs?)

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