Slotcar Installation Instructions

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Verze z 27. 3. 2014, 15:08, kterou vytvořil Hermaiv2 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka: First install all necessary software. For Windows 8.1, please follow installation described below for Eclipse. 1) '''YAGARTO''' - a compiler suitable for Windows 7 and …)
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First install all necessary software. For Windows 8.1, please follow installation described below for Eclipse. 1) YAGARTO - a compiler suitable for Windows 7 and 8, not Windows 8.1.

2) WinAVR

3) Libusb - driver package for Nordic receiver to PC.

  1. Download the zip with libusb-win32-bin folder
  2. Unzip
  3. Plug Nordic in USB
  4. Start inf-wizard.exe in folder bin
  5. Install according to instructions for nRF24LU1
  6. In Windows 8, you might need to allow unsubscrubed drivers. To do that, press WinKey+I, then Change setting of the PC (Zmenit nastaveni pocitace) in the bottom. Select Update and Restore (Aktualizace a obnoveni), then Restore (Obnoveni) and Startup with extended setting (Spusteni s rozsirenym nastavenim). Click Restart.

5) Matlab c compilator

  1. First install SDK kit before installing Matlab.
  2. Install the Windows SDK package, mainly the Visual C++ Compilers
    1. For Windows 8 and 8.1 - SDK doesn't work! You need to install another distribution like Visual Studio
  3. Use the mex -setup command in Matlab enviroment and select appropriate compiler.

Eclipse installation

1) Download Eclipse of version at least Kepler from Recommended pakcege is that for C/C++ developers.

2) In Eclipse, install new plugin. Go to Help -> Install new software. In the field Work with, type and press Enter. After a while, list of possible plugins appears. Check all of them and click Next and finish the import. Restart Eclipse. Troubleshoot: if the import reports an error that it needs additional package, it is usually CDT. Then you must install CDT package from Kepler - and check Programming Languages -> C/C++ Development Tools and SDK.

3) Install GCC and make version 4.7-2013-q3 from

4) Import project from GIT into Eclipse. Copy the folder from GIT Platoon_implementation/onboard/fw into your working directory. Then in Eclipse click File -> Import -> General -> Existing project into workspace. Browse to your working directory and select the project Slot_car in folder ending with Eclipse. Finish the import.

5)Right click the project name, select Properties and select C/C++ Build. Expand and select Environment. Edit Path and add the path to the binary folder from the installation of GCC in step 3)

  • Somethink like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.7 2013q3\bin"

6) Build the project by clicking the hammer in the upper left.

7) Problems on Windows 8.1. Cannot build project: In the project, create folder .dep and in the Makefile, comment the line close to the end in the section clean:. the line containd -rm -fR .dep. Must be commented. On Windows 8.1 the system cannot create folders for some reason. Also create in the folder of main file a folder with the name .dep.