Project name: c:geo

Project homepage:

c:geo is simple yet powerful unofficial geocaching client for Android devices. In contrast with other similar applications, c:geo doesn’t require web browser nor exports. You can just go geocaching with your phone and without any home preparation or worries. Of course, you can go without paying - it’s free.


I would like to fix any of these bugs:

  • #2531 - Offline log marker not shown after log autosave
  • #2413 - Incorrect error message structure

Communication with developers is done through their issue tracker. Links are below.

Links to the bugs are listed above.

Pull request - link to the final pull request which aslo indicates that my bug fixes were merged to master.

Public repository - link to my public repository, fork of C:geo.

Links to my commits:

  • Commit 1 - Fixes #2531 - Auto-save now works as expected.
  • Commit 2 - Fixes #2413 - In English it is better to use „Login failed: Message from server“ since the message from server can be a whole new sentence.



Here, I’ll fill in the HTML code of the Ohloh widgetu showing my KudoRank.