Project name and homepage: Example project


I have chosen to contribute into project called translating wordpress. Few years ago when working on e-shop using wordpress It was part of my job to translate a wordpress template. Nowadays most of the wordpress templates,plugins and new versions already come with a local translation pack. This is done by people from wordpress translate comunity. One of the reasons translating wordpress is popular, is because it is now done via wordpress translate user interface which allows anyone to sugest translation. Once you register and sugest your translations you become a wordpress translate contributor. Your translations are now in state sugested(waiting), it is now up to translate editors of current plugin, theme,etc to approve modify or decline your sugestions. Another way to get your sugestions to become translations is to become translation editor yourself. For that you have to ask the project author to post request naming you translation editor for his project in your locale in our case sk_Sk.

My choice for contributing to an open source project translating wordpress was translating plugin Get Notified.

All my translations are now approved and part of the Get Notified plugin for Wordpress.

Links documenting the results of my work

Links showing process and result of my work.



Here, I’ll fill in the HTML code of the OpenHub widget showing my KudoRank.

For example: Ohloh profile for wentasah